Each student earns 26 credits and graduates with honors & an ideal college application.
Classes take 1/2 the time of a standard high school. No rushing. No credit recovery.
All students are encouraged to complete college classes that will be transfer to any university.
Save Time. Get a Top Result. And Focus on Success.
ENGLISH - 4 Credits
You may bank any class w/grammar, literature, & writing or take our version of the classes via Dual Credit, CLEP, or Custom.
English I - HS Mastery
English II - College Prep
English III - ENGL 1301† (earn 3 college credits)
English IV - ENGL 1302† (earn 3 college credits)
† All classes transfer to university as core (any major, any college).
† Freshman status for college admissions is preserved.
† Dual credit courses can be 3-16 weeks for 3 college credits.
† Dual credit courses can be free to $400 additional cost.
MATH - 4 Credits
Math is highly customized to fit long term goals & mastery. We don't just earn credits. We learn!
Algebra I - Math Mastery
Geometry - Math Applications
Algebra II - College Prep¤
Adv. Math† - Career Based (earn 3 college credits)
¤Take and pass college entrance math exam after this class.
SCIENCE - 4 Credits
Includes biology, one life science, and one physical science. All classes include hands-on lab.
IPC (1 sem. Chem, 1 sem. Physics)
Adv Science† (earn 4 college credits)
Adv Science† (earn 4 college credits)
† Options include Archeology, Geology, Astronomy, Anatomy,
Physics, Chemistry, Environmental Biology, pre-med courses.
Includes World History or Geography, US History, US Government, Economics or Psychology/Philosophy.
World History¹
US HIST 1301/1302† (earn 6 college credits)
US GOVT 2305† (earn up to 6 college credits)
Personal Finance† (earn 3 college credits)
Psychology† (earn 3 college credits)
† These courses can be completed via dual credit or AP testing
LANGUAGES - 2 Credits (minimal)
Pick 2-3 years of any language (includes ASL, JAVA, Python).
American Sign Language I & II☨
Computer Programming I & II☨
​☨Options to test out are available.
Two 1 semester courses. May include any sport, equest, fitness, band, cheer, nutrition, dance, or health.
PE I - Student's Choice (one semester)
PE II† - Student's Choice (one semester)
TECHNOLOGY & SPEECH - .5 Credit Each
A one-half credit course including any computer related course, public speaking, or debate.
IT - Student's Choice (one semester) **
SPCH 1311 (one semester) † (earn 3 college credits)
**May be substituted for dual credit or private lessons.
FINE ARTS - 1 Credit
Two half credit courses in music, dance, art, theater, etc
ART or Dance Appreciation (one semester) † (college credit)
**May be substituted for dual credit or private lessons.
ELECTIVES - 4.0 Credits
Eight half credit courses of 70+ hours over 20 weeks.
Unit I - Driver's Ed or Certifications (opt)
Unit II - Health or Internship (opt)
Unit II - College Planning (opt)
Unit IV - Life Skills Training or Work Study (opt)
Unit V - Student's Choice †
Unit VI - Student's Choice †
Unit VII - Student's Choice †
Unit VIII - Student's Choice †
† Electives may be used to complete up to 2 years of your university core while in high school, or complete a career pathway, internship, job, or personal pursuits such as gymnastics, equestrian, or specialty training.